Elixir pestilentiale / Elixis against the plague
Inscriptions from Uraniborg
Calculi de obliquitate eclipticæ / Calculations of the obliquity of the ecliptic
Ad Daniam epigramma / Epigram to Denmark
Ad Daniam et Danos integros excusatio / Justification of Denmark and the blameless Danes
Dania ad Tychonem Braheum suum alumnum / From Denmark to Tycho Brahe, her foster son
Disce puer virtutem
Ante stellas restitutas / Dedicatory poem for the star catalogue
Astronomiæ instauratæ mechanica / Mechanics of the renewed astronomy
In librum Tychonis Brahei de Mechanicis astronomiæ / Dedicatory poem for Mechanica
In solis et lunæ motus restitutos ac sequens diarium prolegomena / Preface to the reestablished movements of the Sun and the Moon and to the following almanac
Observationes geographicae / Geographical oberservations
Epistolae astronomicae / Astronomical Letters
Preface to Epistolae Astronomicae vol. II
Urania Titani
In Nicolai Cragii Rempublicam Lacedæmoniorum / On Niels Krag's The State of the Lacedaemonians
Inscription from the paper mill at Hven
Forord til Flemløses En Elementisch oc Jordisch Astrologia / Preface to Flemløse, En Elementisch oc Jordisch Astrologia
Triangulorum planorum et sphæricorum praxis arithmetica / On plane and spherical triangles
Additamenta ad apologeticam responsionem ad Craigum Scotum de cometis / Supplement to the apologetic response to John Craig on comets
Apologetica responsio ad Craigum Scotum de cometis / Apologetic response to the Scot John Craig on comets
De classe Hispaniæ
4 epigrams at the death of Frederik II
Iudicis est æqui
De cometa anni 1585
Diarii astrologici et meteorologici anni 1586 præfationis adumbratio / Draft of the preface to the astrological and meteorological almanac for the year 1586
Inscriptiones Croneburgensis / Inscriptions from Kronborg
Henrico Ranzovio / Elegy to Heinrich Rantzau
Jacobo Ulfeldio / Elegy for Jacob Ulfeldt
Nicolao Kaasio / Elegy for Niels Kaas
Erico Lange / Elegy for Erik Lange
Horoscopus principis Johannis / Horoscope of Prince Hans
Horoscopus principis Huldarici / Horoscope of Prince Ulrik
Horoscopus principis Christiani / Horoscope of Prince Christian
Epitaphium filiæ Kirstinæ / Epitaph of his daughter Kirstine
Epitaphium Johanni Pratensi / Epitaph of Johannes Pratensis
Fundamentalis Uraniburgi lapis / Uraniborg's foundation stone
Andreæ Welleio Saxonis interpreti / To Anders Søren Vedel, translator of Saxo
Astrologiæ meteorologicæ fragmentum / A fragment of the meteorological astrology
De disciplinis mathematicis oratio / Oration on the mathematical sciences
Ad Daniam elegia / Elegy to Denmark
Ad Daniam elegia / Elegy to Denmark (from observations)
Ad Martinum Braschium / To Martin Brasch
Additiones ad commentationem de eclipsi lunæ anni 1573 / Supplements to the treatise on the 1573 eclipse of the Moon
De nova stella / On the new star
Diarium anni 1573 / Almanac for the year 1573