af Niels Bohr (2021)   Redaktion: Niels Bohr Arkivet (2022)  
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1916. 8. marts.

Brev fra Harald Bohr til Niels Bohr

A København, Niels Bohr Arkivet, Harald Bohr Correspondence, HBC-BOHR-160308f. Brev skrevet egenhændigt af Harald Bohr på eget brevpapir. Brevet har været åbnet af censuren. På konvolutten: Dr. Niels Bohr, 22 Chatham Grove, Withington,Manchester,England . Afsender: H Bohr, Stockholmsgade 37, Copenhagen

Dear Niels!

Many thanks for your letter and the most heartiest congratulations to you and Margrethe for the invitation to the Hitchcock lecture; how wonderfull must it be for you both to get so much interesting to see and for N. to meet the americans physicists and for M. to see how proud and glad all people are over N. I was yesterday in Copenhagen to speak with Henriques who also was so very glad to hear about it. – But to begin with the 1v |beginning. It seems so to say absolutely sure, that your professorship will come this year, it is on the annual finances-bill and the finances commission has agreed to give it. Therefore on the 1st April the law has to be finished, but as it is an ordinary professorship and not and ekstraordinary (i.e. a personal) there will go a least a month before you get it, perhaps somewhat longer (perhaps you will first really get it from September 1916). (In parentheses and not to breake te systematic story, how wonderfull it will be for me to have you again and it is quite the same whether you prefer to live 2r |at Kannikestræde or at Hellerup) – Now of course the university here will regarde it as a great honour for it that you are invited to the Hitchcock lectures; but still Henriques meant (and I think he is right), that you should answer (if you seems), that you are going to have a profesorship in Copenhagen, and therefore not can give any absolut decisiv answer in this moment, but that you hope absolut certain, that you can come, and ask if you must wait for the final answer a little more –; in the same moment you have been electet professor here (and I dont think, that it can be later than the 1st May, even if you first get the professorship at September) it will not only be easy for you to be allowed 2v |to go to H. lect., but (as said before) it will of course be regarded as a very great honour for the University. – I “have the feeling” (Hardy says, that I alwais used this not quite Englesch phrase), that I have written so very unclear and “taabelig”, but it is so diffecult to write in Englesch for me; or really spoken, not diffecult for me, but difficult for you to understand the meaning.

I cant say how glad we alle are (you should have seen M. Hanne, as I told her yesterday about you) that you and Margrethe come back in near future.

Yours own

1r| P.S. I look forward with the greatest interest to read your letter to Sommerfeld. I have read his paper, and am so interested to hear what you mean about it. He is a nice mann.


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