stormfuglen har aldrig taget et vingetag -
stormfuglens vinger har aldrig rørt sig
flagrende eller værdigt -
stormfuglens vinger er et tilbageholdt aandedrag
staar stille -
stormfuglen avancerer
uden et vingetag tværs igennem stormen
mod solens vrag
for at skrige opstandelsen
tusen aar for tidligt -
early morning
(to carmelo)
my infinite world is
in the closed egg of my will towards god -
every finished piece
of joy and clean bitterness
is put aside on the deep bottom of the sacred eye -
always has god's heat been over me and
shall always be till perfection breaks through
the vast forest of my world -
his face is of no use for my timefilling work -
at some close or approaching time
the egg of my world will open,
my work shall stop -,
and eternal repeating of that single act of god,
which is me,
shall be the sign that my will may go -
such is my love
rocky souls on the way, where
supreme delight
is but beautifying sleep -,
such is my love
that if you are stricken with mortal pain
because of me,
it is a thousand times better than
had you never met me -
if with unclean hands
I steal your sacred crown,
you shall be a thousand times more pure,
when I have left -
and if for my joy
you are killed in the meanest way,
by my hand your lips shall reach,
awakening, the brow of The Most High -
listen, every lonesome rocky soul:
not one minute anyone of you are left -!
such is my love for each of you -